
Dental Demographics

38,985,697 residents ▼ 1.4%
155,858 square miles
250 residents per square mile
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Dental Practices
14,329General Practices

There are an average of 2,721 residents per general dental practice in California, which is lower than the current U.S. average of 3,690.

7,284Specialty Practices

There are an average of 5,352 residents per specialty practice in California, which is lower than the current U.S. average of 7,239.

38.6Median Age

This is higher than the current U.S. median of 37.8 years.

$95,521Median household income

This is higher than the current U.S. median of $77,719.

11.0%People below poverty line

This is lower than the current U.S. rate of 12.7%.

Medicaid Eligibility
10,390,661Medicaid Enrollees

The table to the right provides eligibility levels in California for key coverage groups that use Modified Adjusted Gross Income (MAGI), as of January 2020. All income standards are expressed as a percentage of the federal poverty level (FPL). Other eligibility criteria also apply, such as citizenship, immigration status, and state residency.

  • Infants
  • Children
  • Children
  • Parent or
  • Adults
  • 208%
  • 142%
  • 133%
  • 138%
  • 138%
data courtesy of
56.3%Speaks English at home

This is lower than the current U.S. average of 78.3%.

28.0%Speaks Spanish at home

This is higher than the current U.S. average of 13.2%.

2.85Average people per household

This is higher than the current U.S. average of 2.54.

7,534,737Owner Occupied
5,830,174Renter Occupied
85%High school graduate or higher

This is lower than the current U.S. rate of 90%.

37%Bachelor's degree or higher

This is higher than the current U.S. rate of 36%.

119,436Residential unit permits filed
in 2021
6.9%Of all units in United States in 2021
12.6%More residential unit permits than
in 2020
173.2%More permits than in 2010

Dentagraphics provides the above data "as is," "with all faults" and "as available." To the maximum extent permitted by law, Dentagraphics makes no representations or warranties regarding the accuracy of the data, information or assumptions it uses. Dentagraphics expressly disclaims any and all warranties or conditions, express, statutory or implied, including those of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, workmanlike effort or accuracy.

If you are interested in buying, selling or building a dental practice, do not rely on this data for determining the desirability of a location. It is a starting point that you should supplement with other research such as:

  • Your individual practice strategy;
  • A comparative market analysis from a real estate agent;
  • A business valuation or appraisal from a professional appraiser;
  • Visiting the practice location.