
5 ways demographic snapshot reports help dentists

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It's no secret that dental practices need to know their surrounding market to survive. However, finding reliable information and knowing how to interpret it is easier said than done.  If this sounds familiar, then we have the perfect solution - a demographic snapshot report.

A Dentagraphics demographic snapshot report is a quick and easy way to understand the surrounding market better. The report is generated in an on-demand, interactive app. It provides valuable data about interests, typical household members, ages, income, and more.

This article will answer all your questions about demographics snapshot reports. We will also review five different ways to use a demographics snapshot report.

What Is a Demographic Snapshot Report?

A demographic snapshot report is a tool to gather data about your current or potential location’s market and potential patients. In other words, it’s a snapshot report that allows dentists to gain demographic and competitive insights into a geographic location.

These types of reports provide valuable insight into sixty-seven distinct groups based on demographic and psychographic criteria. More specifically, our app uses the Tapestry Segmentation method.  For each area that you study, we display the top five unique groups.

Who Uses the Dentagraphics App?

The most typical user is a prospective practice owner who's interested in learning more about their area or a specific location. Additionally, DSOs, real estate groups, and other industry professionals use the Snapshot Report as a key part of their market research.

Why snapshot reports are the fundamental foundation for creating data-driven results.

Many dentists analyze the types of patients visiting their practice locations and potential patients visiting their websites. Armed with this knowledge, you, a consultant, or your marketer can develop strategies to keep patients returning for more.

Below are a few questions to consider when analyzing your dental practice patient profile data:

  • Who are your most frequent visitors?
  • Which days and times do they visit?
  • Do they come alone or accompanied?
  • What are their genders and ages?

5 Ways to Benefit From a Demographic Snapshot Report

Here are five ways benefits of using a Dentagraphics Snapshot Report to research an area:

  • Learn about overall opportunity for a dental practice in the market
  • Figure out if the area’s patient base is right for you
  • Assess the level of competition for dental practices
  • Instantly study any location nationwide
  • Easily share the results with anyone (PDF export)

No matter if you are researching locations or looking to purchase an established practice, knowing a target ideal patient persona will help you a ton. In fact, once a patient persona is identified, it makes creating a look-alike marketing target persona from a demographic snapshot report that much easier.

Where Can a Dentist Get a Demographic Report?

Dentists have access through Dentagraphics’ app. Plus, creating a demographic snapshot is simple, too. Depending on the demographic data you want to study, it can be as simple as selecting from national, state, county, area, and address levels then clicking one button to finalize the report.

The Dentagraphics app is a quick and easy way for dentists to get the most up-to-date demographic information on the surrounding area and potential patients.

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